Saturday, 31 October 2015

What place is there for robots, drones, and various other automata in the modern warehousing and distribution centre?

Everyone paid attention, at least for a few moments, when Amazon announced its 'Amazon Prime Air' program that was, supposedly, to deliver goods directly from the warehousing and distribution centre to the customer's doorstep. Most of us said "Surely not. The technology isn't ready, and it would Read more...

Friday, 30 October 2015

What are the roots of the logistics and distribution management principles we use today?

It is always difficult to choose a starting point for something like this, but the 1970s will serve well enough as the beginning of the modern era of logistics and distribution management. It was in the 70s that distribution began to be talked about as a separate concept (as noted by Alan Read more...

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Innovation For Less: 3 Ways To Reduce Your Warehouse IT Costs

Innovation in the warehouse and distribution industry is, at its heart, about perfecting the way goods are moved through the supply chain. Speed, security, reliability and low overheads are some of the main concerns when it comes to maximising the efficiency of the supply chain. So how can you Read more...

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Tips on how to prepare for bad weather disruptions to your supply chain

Bad weather is pretty much inevitable, and although we can't tell for sure when or where it might strike, we can at least fortify our supply chains as much as possible by being aware, prepared, and proactive, particularly as we're entering the most disruptive months of the year. Logistics Read more...

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Electronically logging your goods: how does it work?

As we all know by now, warehouse and distribution services are true game-changers when it comes to shipping your goods efficiently and effectively. Choosing to outsource these elements of your business to a professional service in this way only reaps benefits to you and your company. However, Read more...

Monday, 26 October 2015

Black Friday and how third party logistics can help your business prepare for it

It is that time of year again. Autumn is in the air, leaves are turning colours, and pretty soon, the holiday season will be upon us. With it comes a vast influx of customers into stores and businesses, looking to get the perfect gift. One of these important days is Black Friday. The one day a Read more...

Be vigilant: Checking your pallet storage for damage

In the UK, you are required by law to have your pallet storage regularly inspected for signs of damage or wear and tear. It may even be a compulsory part of many insurance policies. Inspections should be carried out by a qualified professional at least once or twice a year. However, you should Read more...

Friday, 9 October 2015

What's behind the growth of third party logistics?

As economic uncertainty once again sweeps across the globe due to the crisis in Greece and uncertainty in the Chinese market the Third Party Logistics industry continues to go from strength to strength. Showing it's staying power by growing gross revenues in the USA by 17.8% against a GDP of Read more...

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Where Supply Chains Can Find the Biggest Savings in Transportation

There are all kinds of ways in the supply chain where savings in the area of transportation can be done. One of the ways this can be done is spending extra funds on transportation, with the key being holding as little inventory as possible. This means the more transport is bought, the lesser the Read more...

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

The world of multichannel: how good logistics is getting retailers ahead

The last decade has seen the fastest development in consumer technology in history. Smartphones, tablets, superfast broadband and 4G mobile internet have revolutionized the way consumers are buying products. The days of catalogue-flicking and telephone-dialing have been replaced with sleek, Read more...